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og真人电子app Community Engagement

The og真人电子app School Science Ambassadors programme involves hundreds of young people from schools all around County Durham.

To find out more about Community Engagement at og真人电子app please contact Gary Chaplin, Enterprise Development Manager on 03000 261252 or e-mail

Science and technology is all around us all the time, every day

og真人电子app is one of the UK’s leading science and technology parks with some seriously cool and cutting edge stuff going on.

The park is expanding rapidly and employment opportunities with companies at og真人电子app are growing year on year.  Science-based businesses will be looking to recruit engineers, designers, scientists, technicians, specialist sales, marketing, HR and administration in the coming years  – the possibilities are endless.

og真人电子app delivers an outreach and engagement programme to inspire and engage local communities about the opportunities offered by the commercialisation of science at og真人电子app.

Science and technology is all around us all the time, every day.  We find it in our cars our trains, games consoles, smartphones, lighting, fabrics, computers, cosmetics, cleaning products and medicine – Science surrounds and permeates every aspect of our daily lives – it is what makes our world work.

NASA astronauts at og真人电子app
Chemistry Students

School science ambassadors

The og真人电子app School Science Ambassadors programme involves hundreds of young people from schools all around County Durham. This involves children between 8 – 18 years spreading the word about science, engineering, technology and maths to their school friends, teachers and their families.

og真人电子app offers events, projects, teacher CPD, and much more to engage and inspire people (young and old) about the wonders of science and build awareness of the opportunities that og真人电子app will offer.


We actively support the principles of STEAM as well as STEM – science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics – and encourage the inclusion of arts and humanities students and teachers in our activities.

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