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Image by NASA

Ocean Coatings

Ocean Coatings is a designer and manufacturer of Marine and Offshore protective coatings specially formulated to meet professional performance standards.

Company Sector

Technology, Engineering


Ocean Coatings is a designer and manufacturer of Marine and Offshore protective coatings specially formulated to meet professional performance standards. Ocean Coatings is a designer and manufacturer of Marine and Offshore protective coatings specially formulated to meet professional performance standards.

Sara Williams

To find out how your company would benefit from locating to og真人电子app please contact Sara Williams, on 01740 625 250 or email

Ocean Coatings


og真人电子app Plexus, Thomas Wright Way, Sedgefield, County Durham, TS21 3FD

Contact Details

+44 (0)1740 625262

og真人电子app Location

Plexus 2

Ocean Coatings
Ocean Coatings
Ocean Coatings
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