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Versarien PLC

Versarien utilises proprietary materials technologies to create innovative engineering solutions.

Company Sector

Technology, Engineering


Versarien was founded in 2011 and now employs over 100 staff, across five subsidiaries and five UK locations. Versarien utilises proprietary materials technologies to create innovative engineering solutions that are capable of having a game-changing impact in a variety of industry sectors as well as customer specific applications. After initial success, with micro-porous metallic foams.

Sara Williams

To find out how your company would benefit from locating to og真人电子app please contact Sara Williams, on 01740 625 250 or email

Versarien PLC


og真人电子app, The Neville Hamlin Building, Thomas Wright Way, Sedgefield, TS21 3FG

Contact Details

og真人电子app Location

Neville Hamlin Building

Versarien PLC
Versarien PLC
Versarien PLC
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