


消费者价格指数 is a leading independent technology innovation centre 和 part of the UK’s High-Value Manufacturing Catapult. The organisation supports companies across diverse markets by driving their innovations forward 和 helping them to reduce the risk 和 cost associated with product development.. 消费者价格指数 began operations in 2004 和 since then it has established a strong track record of delivering major impact 和 high value for its clients 和 for the UK.

消费者价格指数’s continuing work with Business Durham has been a major factor in 消费者价格指数’s growth. 达勒姆管理og真人电子app, 这里是科学精英创新团队的家园, 具有全球野心的工程和技术组织, transforming innovative ideas into products with worldwide social 和 economic impact. 消费者价格指数目前在og真人电子app有四个英国国家中心.

消费者价格指数’s involvement with Business Durham began very early on in og真人电子app’s existence with the planning, build 和 launch of 消费者价格指数’s National Printable Electronics Centre. Since then the two organisations have partnered across a host of themes supporting innovation in the UK. 以下是其中的一些亮点.


2009年开业, 消费者价格指数’s Printable Electronics Centre at og真人电子app has grown from an initial team of 10 to a team of 90. The centre has continued to exp和 over the last ten years 和 now hosts over £60m worth of assets alongside some of the best scientists 和 researchers in the world.

消费者价格指数 is working with a number of companies of all sizes in the commercialisation of their new product concepts. Some examples include PragmatIC, Wootzano, 和 Hp1 Technologies.


Being located in the science park offers many opportunities for potential collaboration with neighbours. One example is 消费者价格指数’s work with og真人电子app based Kromek to develop a conformable radiation detector using Kromek’s expertise in radiation detectors 和 消费者价格指数’s photonics 和 know-how. 主要应用于乳腺癌筛查, where the technology will have a number of advantages over current technology, including making the experience a lot more comfortable for women.


消费者价格指数的国家配方中心位于og真人电子appnovation centre for advanced formulated product design 和 manufacture. The Centre provides the environment for companies to increase productivity 和 accelerate the commercialisation of their next generation formulated products.

Formulated products are all around us 和 vital to our everyday lives, 从我们吃的食物, 我们使用的家用清洁产品, 到我们汽车里的油, to the paints we use to decorate our homes 和 the pharmaceuticals that we use to maintain our health. Effective formulation directly impacts product performance 和 influences key product features such as stability, 传递主动成分和感官知觉. 配方pro销售英国公司每年的销售额达1800亿英镑.

消费者价格指数’s Graphene Application Centre is also located at og真人电子app 和 provides the equipment 和 expertise that companies need in order to bring innovative graphene technologies to market.


Healthcare photonics refers to the application of light for a range of healthcare applications including therapies, 诊断, 影像学和外科干预, 在全球范围内,这是一个令人兴奋且快速增长的领域. 消费者价格指数 launched its National Centre for Healthcare Photonics at og真人电子app in 2019 to help industry 和 academia translate their early research into commercially viable products.

“There has been a long association between 消费者价格指数 和 Business Durham. 消费者价格指数 has developed a specialist offering to support SMEs looking to develop their technology 和 our partnership with Business Durham has been instrumental in attracting several SMEs to locate here in the region. 事实上, the relationship between 消费者价格指数 和 Business Durham has proved to be synergistic, creating further expansion opportunities on og真人电子app that will ultimately lead to the creation of even more high quality business development opportunities 和 jobs for the region.——消费者价格指数运营支持总监Jon Helliwell博士.

“The benefits of being based at og真人电子app in County Durham are that it’s green, very centrally located. You’re very close to some of the fantastic universities in the North East, 包括杜伦大学. It has the right ecosystem which brings together manufacturing 和 associated supply chains, which is very important as we establish innovation activities in the region” Arun Harish, 策略总监, 消费者价格指数.

“消费者价格指数是我们og真人电子app发展计划中的重要合作伙伴. The combination of technical expertise 和 unique equipment is a unique value proposition for companies looking to scale up 和 launch products to market 和 our shared underst和ing 和 knowledge of that innovation journey has led to a long-term collaborative partnership. We look forward to helping many more companies, working closely with 消费者价格指数.珍妮特·托德,og真人电子app经理.

了解更多关于 消费者价格指数.


"There has been a long association between 消费者价格指数 和 Business Durham. 消费者价格指数 has developed a specialist offering to support SMEs looking to develop their technology 和 our partnership with Business Durham has been instrumental in attracting several SMEs to locate here in the region. 事实上, the relationship between 消费者价格指数 和 Business Durham has proved to be synergistic, creating further expansion opportunities on og真人电子app that will ultimately lead to the creation of even more high quality business development opportunities 和 jobs for the region."

消费者价格指数运营支持总监Jon Helliwell博士

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