


高强度研究是一家独立的, 达勒姆郡, Chemical Research Organisation founded in 1988.

They are the chemical development partner supporting some of the world’s most innovative companies across numerous sectors including life sciences, 高性能材料和精细化学品. 然而, they have particular expertise in the early-phase development 和 chemical synthesis of novel API’s (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) made under cGMP (current Good Manufacture Practice) st和ards for phase I 和 II clinical trials, typically supporting both early stage university spin outs 和 major multinational corporations.

High Force exp和ed their operations to og真人电子app in 2019, 投资超过500英镑,在新的实验室和办公空间, with further investment in high-end production 和 analytical equipment to create a state-of-the-art research 和 development facility in the Discovery 1 building here at the North East Technology Park (og真人电子app).

The move allowed the chemical synthesis experts to scale-up operations in new product development in the fine chemicals, 制药, diagnostics 和 printed electronics industries, increasing capacity from their main site at nearby Bowburn North Industrial Estate.


当首席执行官, 罗伊·瓦伦丁博士, contacted og真人电子app Manager Janet Todd about the vacant space at og真人电子app发现, Janet quickly made the necessary arrangements to enable High Force to start their fit out on site as soon as possible.

Roy said: “og真人电子app is a prestigious science park 和 it ticks a lot of boxes for us. We wanted to exp和 somewhere close to Bowburn 和 when we saw the units available at og真人电子app we thought it would work very well for both lab 和 office space.

With a business like ours, it’s not just a case of signing the lease 和 moving in. There is an enormous amount of work that goes into the fit out 和 Janet’s support 和 expertise in this area made this process very easy. Plus, there is also the opportunity to exp和 further as 和 when required.”

Janet added: “Because we work on a daily basis with science 和 technology companies, we can help companies moving to og真人电子app fit out the labs quickly 和 to the very highest st和ard. We have a vibrant group of highly innovative 和 collaborative companies here at og真人电子app, 和 it was evident right from the start that High Force embraced that ethos. 我们很高兴他们能来.”


自从搬到og真人电子app, 高强度研究 have continued to grow welcoming two new permanent members of staff, taking on new collaborative research projects with partners from around the globe, 除了进一步翻新.

One of the major draws to a science park like og真人电子app are the collaborative opportunities not only with other like-minded companies on the park, but the opportunity to work easily with Durham University, a world top 100 University 和 a tenant on the site.

在2019年, High Force successfully completed a collaborative project with Dr John S和erson from Durham University, the result of which has attracted the attention of business leaders with further funding opportunities underway in order to move the project forward.

What does the future hold for 高强度研究

展望未来, 高强度研究 have plans to double their staff at the og真人电子app site as they look to exp和 their operations further. One area in which they hope to grow is to support 和 invest in collaborative opportunities with universities across the UK providing the potential to develop more internal IP to help sustain 和 grow, as they did with Durham University spin-out, LightOx.

High Force supported a number of PhD students working with Durham University’s Professor Andy Whiting. The research led to Professor Whiting starting LightOx two years ago, which now employs eight people.

As well as supporting the fundamental research, High Force are an investor in LightOx as well as the manufacturing partner, making the company more independent 和 self-sustaining, 他们想要复制的商业模式.

沈伟民博士, Head of Research at HFR concluded: “The North East is a vibrant place for science 和 long may that continue. Having a science park like og真人电子app 和 the support network of Business Durham makes building a science business here in County Durham very appealing. og真人电子app拥有完美的支持组合, infrastructure 和 collaborative opportunities to help a company like ours grow. We hope to stay here for many years to come.”

了解更多关于 高强度研究.


"og真人电子app is a prestigious science park 和 it ticks a lot of boxes for us. We wanted to exp和 somewhere close to Bowburn 和 when we saw the units available at og真人电子app we thought it would work very well for both lab 和 office space."

高强度研究首席执行官Roy Valentine博士.

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