
种子 Deepens Roots 在og真人电子app: Transforming Industries with Nano-Tech

Peter Calder Wood, 种子

Deep tech firm 种子 has exp和ed its presence on the North East Technology Park (og真人电子app) with a move into additional office space 和 new laboratories as it continues to develop its advanced nano-structure technology 和 explore applications in an array of industries.

种子 - Sustainable Energy Efficient Designed Structures Ltd – has undertaken significant research 和 development into sophisticated printable inks using graphene nano-fibre technology, a network of rolled-up sheets of the flat form of carbon.

The technology can capture 和 store energy, 和 种子 has developed supercapacitators which can be used to provide auxiliary power. Supercapacitors are devices like batteries which store 和 release large amounts of electrical charge very quickly.

To support this growth, 种子 has taken flexible lab space in og真人电子app’s Discovery 1 building in addition to its existing office space in Plexus, 和 intends to work with science, technology 和 engineering specialists through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.

Peter Chalder-Wood, Head of Strategic Partnerships at 种子, said: “The ecosystem in og真人电子app is just right for us; 种子 first came here because of its partnership work with the CPI 和 now our vision is to have a busy lab facility developing various applications 和 licensing them out to companies.”

种子, which was founded in 2013 by chief executive Jason Chehal, has worked closely with the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), 在og真人电子app, to develop its nano-structure technology from idea through to proof of concept, material development 和 the identification of applications.

It has benefitted from the CPI’s state-of-the-art facilities, including the National Formulation Centre, the National Printable Electronics Centre, 和 the Graphene Applications Centre.

种子 is now exploring applications of its printable ink in the defence industry 和 believes its technology can bolster the power capabilities of micro unmanned aerial vehicles – or nano drones.

The company is also exploring how to integrate printed supercapacitors into a vehicle’s power management system.

“Our printed supercapacitors are lightweight 和 conformable, so could be coated onto drones to provide auxiliary power boosts in high winds, 例如,彼得解释说. “With further development, our energy harvesting 和 storage solutions could be game-changing in a range of industries.”

种子 has also applied to the UK Space Agency to research ways to harness its potential in the space-based solar power industry. It will look at the feasibility of applying its printable inks as supercapacitors on satellites to support the harvesting of solar power for different mission stages.

莎拉抢, Managing Director of Business Durham, the business support service for Durham County Council, said: “种子 is a shining example of a deep tech firm that has maximised the benefits of og真人电子app’s superb R&D facilities through its partnership work with the CPI 和 is now extremely well placed to explore 和 achieve its exciting potential.”

If you would like to find out more about locating your business 在og真人电子app 保持联系 or call 01740 625250

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